1) Shamanic Energy Cleansing of the home or business

Do electronics breakdown or malfunction?  Are your employees arguing or fighting?  Are the kids and family constantly fighting and yelling making peace and harmony seem unattainable?  If so you can guarantee there is an intrusion or negative energy lingering in your business or home.  This can be remedied with a cleansing of the home or business.  Edgardo uses ancient Shamanic tools and medicines to move, heal, and restore balance to the people, business space, and home.  This includes a small one on one to balance and realign each person, pet, or employee involved in the workplace or home.  Prices vary depending on square footage, travel distance, and the amount of people to assist.

2) Energy Massage: 

Edgardo uses Shamanic energy and techniques with massage to aid in releasing blocked energies and emotions from the body helping the recipient to be free of past traumas, body memory, and emotional blocks held by the body.

3) Counselling:  

Edgardo works with Individuals,  groups, couples, and families to restore harmony between individuals.   This includes a realignment and rebalancing to each individual participating.

4) Lectures and Public speaking:

  • Surviving the “Concrete Jungle.”
  • Awakening Through Awareness.
  • Self Awareness and Health – lunch or evening lectures
  • How to Create Awareness.
  • Increasing Personal Awareness and Belief.
  • How Emotions and the Mind Affect our Health.
  • Raising Energy.
  • How Sickness and Illness Manifests.
  • Breathing Exercise Classes for Anxiety, Anger, Restless Mind, and More.
  • For any other topics not listed you wish to have him speak about contact us.

5) Retreats: 

Individual or group retreats.  Tailored to the needs of individuals or groups.

6) Conflict Resolution

Helps individuals, groups, or businesses.  Help create a common ground.  Includes a one on one for each employee or group member attending. 

7) Holistic Nutritional Counselling:  

This service coupled with Shamanic Healing aids the physical body with support for the spiritual, emotional, and mental.  Starting 2020.

8) BIE Allergy Practitioner: 

This is a certified alternative to release, remove, and open emotional blocks in the body.  Also relieves, reduces, or eliminates allergy related symptoms.  Starting 2020.

Long Distance Testimonial

Anita P. – Age 42- While living in El Salvador, had an unsuccessful surgery performed on her neck for cervical issues. She was informed that the second surgery would end in either paralysis, vegetation, or death.  Not giving up she contacted Edgardo through a friend.  Edgardo, living in Canada, performed long distance “spiritual surgery” for this woman.  Two years later he had the privilege to meet this woman and see the long distance healing was successful!  She now lives a normal life with no cervical issues.